2015. január 4., vasárnap


Amikor valaki a Coleho idézeteket emlegette (kategorikus elutasítással), egy (talán az, talán nem, mert keveset olvastam) Coelho-féle idézet jutott az eszembe:

"Sose gondold, hogy sosem fogod azt gondolni, amit egyszer már meggondolatlanul gondoltál. Csak gondozd gondolataid, hogy gondtalanná válj, még, ha csak először gondolatban is. - Mert, ami valóban jön, az úgyis elgondolhatatlan."



A Pszeudoepigráfiáról a wikin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudepigrapha

"There have probably been pseudepigrapha almost from the invention of full writing. For example, ancient Greek authors often refer to texts which claimed to be by Orpheus or his pupil Musaeus but which attributions were generally disregarded. Already in Antiquity the collection known as the "Homeric hymns" was recognized as pseudepigraphical, that is, not actually written by Homer.

Literary studies
In secular literary studies, when works of antiquity have been
demonstrated not to have been written by the authors to whom they have traditionally been ascribed, some writers apply the prefix pseudo- to their names. Thus the encyclopedic compilation of Greek myth called Bibliotheke is often now attributed, not to Apollodorus of Athens, but to "pseudo-Apollodorus" and the Catasterismi, recounting the translations of mythic figure into asterisms and constellations, not to the serious astronomer Eratosthenes, but to a "pseudo-Eratosthenes". The prefix may be abbreviated, as in "ps-Apollodorus" or "ps-Eratosthenes"."

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